
What Are Smart Glasses & Why You Need Them In 2022

Taking a Closer Look to Smart Glasses

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Smart glasses are a type of wearable computer that combines the features and capabilities of a smartphone with a pair of glasses. The most common types of smart glasses are made by companies like Google, Microsoft, Vuzix Corp. and Epson. They’re also referred to as heads-up displays (HUD) or augmented reality (AR) devices because they project information onto your field of vision rather than requiring you to look down at your phone screen or tablet

3 Types Of Smart Glasses

There are three main types of smart glasses. Each type has different features and capabilities, so it’s important to know what kind you’re looking for before buying one. Smart glasses can be used for many different things, including:

  • Play media on the go (audio or video)
  • Get directions from Google Maps or other GPS apps
  • Access information faster than ever with voice commands and search engines

Main Uses of Smart Goggles:

There are several uses for smart glasses, including:

  • Navigation—Using GPS or other mapping software to get directions and information about your surroundings
  • Information—Providing updates on sports teams, weather or traffic conditions
  • Entertainment—Watching movies, playing video games and even shopping through your glasses


Smart Glasses For Business:

Smart glasses are a relatively new technology that allows you to access information and perform certain functions without having to look at a screen. They come in many forms, from simple reading glasses to complex headsets that include a heads-up display (HUD). 


Smart Glasses For Consumers:

Smart glasses are still a niche product, but they’re growing in popularity. A recent study by Juniper Research found that sales of smart glasses will reach $1 billion by 2022. That might seem like a small figure compared to the hundreds of billions spent every year on mobile phones and smartphones, but it’s important to remember that smart glasses are just getting started.

Does The Technology Have Limitations?

The biggest limitation of smart glasses is the battery life. Right now, even the best devices offer only a few hours of use before needing to be recharged. That won’t be an issue for most people on a day-to-day basis, but it could become one if you plan to wear your smart glasses all day long—especially in situations where charging isn’t possible (for example, while mountain climbing or hiking).

Takeaways: Smart glasses are an exciting innovation that will help us track our health, improve the way we shop, and enhance many other aspects of our lives, they are also becoming more and more common although the main limitation is currently the battery life.

Inspiration: You can read a full article on the Best Smart Glasses out there here.

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